With its rugged coastline and rich history, Broome offers something for everyone. Cruise to a pearl farm to uncover the stories of the pearl divers who once flocked to this unique town, wander through the vibrant streets of Chinatown, or enjoy a magical sunset camel ride along Cable Beach. It won’t take long before you find yourself slipping into the relaxed rhythm of ‘Broome time.’

Be sure to visit Gantheaume Point to marvel at rust-red cliffs and ancient dinosaur footprints, or if your timing is right, head to Roebuck Bay to witness the breathtaking Staircase to the Moon—a natural spectacle where the full moon reflects off the tidal flats.

Delve deeper into Broome’s heritage with a cultural tour led by the Yawuru people, catch a film at the world’s oldest operating outdoor cinema, or venture further afield to experience the awe-inspiring Horizontal Falls.